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ABDUS SABUR KHAN SEMON-46, सुन्नी ग्रूम

मेल भेजने
पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट
अलग किए
ब्लॉक या अमान्य फोटो पर क्लिक करें
मैनेजमेंट प्रोफेशनल
5ft 6in - 167cm
डू नॉट स्मोक
डू नॉट ड्रिंक
हाँ, कभी-कभी वे घर पर रहते हैं
नॉन वेजिटेरियन
Eating Outside, Travelling, Watch Movie
Salam Alaikom, I’ve spent a few weeks in Hospital, so I very well know how to value souls. Now I have A clearer goals in life with a focus on hereafter. I’ve been having a good life in terms of family & everything but my love life has always been a disaster lol so I had no support during my journey, I’d be very happy to find someone wise & supportive, I have always craved for the companionship of my soulmate that my lord has destined for me, I’m not sure if I’m meant to meet her in this life, but if we do it would be great starting a family together. Life is short anyway.

I’m simple and career oriented, I studied Business, HR, Law and MBA in Finance from London University. Just tried utilizing the time and ideas that my brain keeps coming up with and ended up being a startups entrepreneur/top position in tech, e-commerce & travel. I’m not too much social and hardly meet any women outside my work therefore I had to join this app. Moving to Bangladesh from UK due to COVID-19 Pandemic and now I am working a MNC as a Chief Business Officer (CBO).

I’m not much into TV etc. so During all these years I also got enough of time to ponder, I studied many religions thoroughly. Although I was born to Muslim parents but Islam entered my heart about 10-11 years ago. I realized that being born to Muslim parents do not make one a Muslim, Islam is a state of the soul, only those who try to find their lord can find Him, no matter born or converted Muslim. Since I found Islam, I found a purpose, a light, it gives meanings to my existence. My life, my choices, my schedule everything revolves around it. I keep my pillars, don’t belong to any sects and cannot imagine a life without Islam, ya rabb cause me to die as a Muslim… Ameen. I pray salat five times Alhamdulillah .

I’m a passionate and a compassionate person, whatever I do I do with passion. so yes I’ve lived an amazing life, I own everything a soul could ever wish for in this worldly life. So, nothing is gonna impress me but your wisdom, genuineness & responsible behavior. Shallow time wasters, just get lost! I’m on here looking to complete my deen. I am not looking to adopt a girl then share bills, have arguments for loyalty etc. and end up damaging my current beautiful life. My dream girl must be religious, she loves God, she is trustworthy, faithful and responsible.
Get married with the purpose of getting closer to Allah and In sha Allah it will be a blessed marriage. Marry someone who will encourage me, elevate my Imaan and most importantly, bring you closer to Allah. #HalfOurDeen

It is very important for me to be with a woman who absolutely loves Allah swt, because I'd want to enjoy this temporary life with you while working on spirituality together, trying to get closer to God every day.

The marriage apps are intended for a noble purpose but are so full of the junk unfortunately, so if you’re the one I’ve been looking for, please don’t hesitate to send me a message, sending only interest won’t work as your interest may get lost in a lot of junk interests

हम सबसे अच्छे क्यों हैं?

  • निःशुल्क वैवाहिक साइट।
  • त्वरित खोज और उन्नत खोज।
  • असीमित मुफ्त संदेश भेजें।
  • संदेशों को देखने / उत्तर देने के लिए नि: शुल्क मेलबॉक्स।
  • कई भाषाओं (अंग्रेजी, हिंदी, बंगाली, मराठी, तेलुगु, तमिल, गुजराती, कन्नड़, मलयालम) का समर्थन करें।
  • ऑनलाइन प्रोफाइल के साथ चैट करें।
  • कई फ़ोटो अपलोड करें।
  • सत्यापित ईमेल।
  • सत्यापित फ़ोन नंबर (जल्द ही आ रहा है)।
  • व्यक्तिगत डैशबोर्ड।
  • झंडा घोटाला / धोखाधड़ी प्रोफ़ाइल।